Okie087's Profile US

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Name: Okie087
Birth date: 05 June, 1987
Relationship status: Open
Country: United States
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
City: Afton
Other people have watched Okie087's videos: 19 times
Favourite categories: Orgy
About me: I love eating pussy. I can promise you, you have never had your pussy sucked a and fucked as good as when I do it to you. It just hits different when the person loves doing it. I haven’t told him better than a lesbian by a lesbian. I got a big dick too. It’s a good dick. My wife gives me a bomb ass because she loves my dick makes out with it even. She said it’s so good it’s not fair for her to keep it all to herself. Now she let me fuck whoever whenever. She said she doesn’t want to the only one who I ruined sex for. She straight can’t get it from anyone else cause it’s garbage. Don’t believe me? In northeast Oklahoma or Southwest Arkansas? Because I’m down to put more money where my mouth is And prove it. You can bring him in too. We can both fuck you.
My Favourite Videos: Reverse, gangbang, orgies, outdoors, dirty, talking hard-core cockculd
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